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After Two Weeks of Pie...


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Regarding the 3 month idea in the OP, I think there's something to it, but there'd have to be some definition of the required progress. If he's hitting Andrew Jones bad, then yes - I'd drop him. But as long as he's putting up an OPS over .650, I'd stick it out for the entire season with him against all righties.

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Reading between the lines, Pie hasn't learned all the ins and outs of LF yet. The people who say his defense will offset any offensive struggles seem to think he'll be a great LF right away, but I'm not so sure it will come that quickly. So if he makes a few mistakes in the field, and also hits poorly at first, we're going to be hearing almost immediately how the O's made a mistake, etc.

I say we have to give this a few months at least. When the season's half over, it will be time to begin evaluating how this is going. No, I don't think he just gets an uninterrupted year no matter how he's doing. 3 months is a good time to evaluate him IMO. Both Markakis and Jones were making noticeable progress by then, and Pie should be, too, even if he's not all the way there yet.[/quote

THree mnths seems like a real quick way to judge someone. I beleive he will do it. I beleive he will be a good player. It will jsut take some time. And the O's need to give him that time. And so do the fans.

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I don't know who died and left Pie as the king of left field. Others are supposed to languish in the minors learning defense while Pie is apparently guaranteed a year in the majors learning how to hit. Go figure.

Do you realize he is out of options? The O's cant send him to the minors.

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Nope. Never said this. Other posters in this thread have suggested that three months of failure wouldn't be enough to show what his previous team has already decided: Pie can't hit.

Three months will be plenty for me.

Well, i hope he proves you wrong. It is a real shame that you already write him off. Without even seeing how he will handle it after one full season.

Trea is that you? :D

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Nope. Never said this. Other posters in this thread have suggested that three months of failure wouldn't be enough to show what his previous team has already decided: Pie can't hit.

Three months will be plenty for me.

Well, thankfully Markakis figured it out by the end of June in his first year up with the Orioles. He mightily struggled his first 2.5 months...

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We don't have to be unbearable to watch to rebuild. That's where the whole thing about being a rebuilding team means you have to stink just doesn't make sense. Just because it took other teams years years to turn around and those teams were bad, doesn't mean the Orioles have to follow the same path. We shouldn't have had to tank the season or have tanked last season to rebuild.

A rebuilding team doesn't neccessarily need projects to fix either and that is what Pie is, MacPhail's pet project. I think the Orioles are using the rebuilding word to not put as much effort on to their on the field product because let's face it with the majority opinion on this board that everything is great why would they? When the fans are still showing up and supporting this awful product, what reason is there for MacPhail to improve the on-field product when the Orioles are still raking it in and getting support from fans who are eating up MacPhail's every word?

It's really insulting for the Orioles to expect anybody to come out and drop money to see this team next season in this economy. Especially when it is obvious they don't care how the ML squad is going to perform. Sadly so many on here have bought what MacPhail is selling and will spend money to watch Adam Eaton take turns in the rotation because we are "rebuilding."

SG tell me if it was Rocco Baldelli we got instead of Pie and he was stinking up ST, would you want him on the team over Reimold?

Before you hang Andy M. why don't you wait to see how Pie will do? Is it so very hard for you to do? What if Pie becoems a good player? What if he can hit and play as good as Kakes? If he does you want say anything abouit it. Will you?

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I sure hope Pie (and Hill, to the same extent) works out.

The sooner they contribute and make an impact in Baltimore, the sooner Andy's campaign to prove his worth to Cubs' fans will come to an end.

I hear Leon Durham is available if Andy wants to try and pull off the ultimate Cubs miracle.

My goodness....I'm so upset that don't live in the three block radius your station covers so I can listen to more awesome insight like this on a daily basis.

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Pie is only a little over a year younger than Reimold. So where's the age gap? It's not like we are talking about a 22 year old prospect like Adam Jones.

If you mean he was blowing up the minors at age 21, so was Hayden Penn, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a successful MLer.

Pie is a year younger, but he's already had his first couple of adjustment periods in the majors. Reimold will be playing his age 25 season in the minor leagues. Pie isn't just a year ahead, he's a year and hundreds of major league at bats ahead.

I noticed in another thread you said he could be an average ML LFer with a .720 OPS IIRC. Before Pie came along, isn't that what you were saying about Reimold? I think you were saying he could put up an .800 OPS and now suddenly a .720 OPS is deemed acceptable from Felix Pie...

The difference is that Pie is a consensus GG quality outfielder, while Reimold isn't. Reimold has to put an .800 in the majors or he's not going to hold a job. Pie should be a much better player at .750 than Reimold is at .825 or higher.

I tell you what, I don't want to hear one complaint about Pie from his supporters when he pulls a Luis Hernandez...

Crazy hyperbole. Comparing a guy who's been a top prospect, an athletic guy with lots of tools and plenty of minor league results to a stopgap with a .580 OPS in AA is patently ridiculous.

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Pie is only a little over a year younger than Reimold. So where's the age gap? It's not like we are talking about a 22 year old prospect like Adam Jones.

If you mean he was blowing up the minors at age 21, so was Hayden Penn, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a successful MLer.

I noticed in another thread you said he could be an average ML LFer with a .720 OPS IIRC. Before Pie came along, isn't that what you were saying about Reimold? I think you were saying he could put up an .800 OPS and now suddenly a .720 OPS is deemed acceptable from Felix Pie...

We fixed LF, so why are we so intent on breaking it again?

I tell you what, I don't want to hear one complaint about Pie from his supporters when he pulls a Luis Hernandez...

Pie is one year older than Adam Jones, their minor league numbers are virtually identical. You're being incredibly short-sighted and ridiculous, give it up.

You are completely ignoring the fact that Pie is also a much better all-around player than Reimold.

Reimold isn't in the same class defensively as Pie and he doesn't have the same speed either.

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That is indeed a great write up.

Some agendas that people cling to around here are just awful.

Melewski said it right. We traded for Pie and it would be stupid to throw him away based on ST, which may be the worst judgment ground of all to make decisions. You are 100% right about the agenda's, but keep in mind those agenda's are put forth by people who like to complain or just do not get. Reimold and others will get their shot as people get hurt or struggle, they just have to be ready. As for Pie, he needs 500 consistent at bats and then we can begin to make judgements.

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My goodness....I'm so upset that don't live in the three block radius your station covers so I can listen to more awesome insight like this on a daily basis.

Moose I am going to have to send you a bill for my monitor. The one I just spit my soda all over after reading this post. Funny stuff!!

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Pie is only a little over a year younger than Reimold. So where's the age gap? It's not like we are talking about a 22 year old prospect like Adam Jones.

If you mean he was blowing up the minors at age 21, so was Hayden Penn, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a successful MLer.

I noticed in another thread you said he could be an average ML LFer with a .720 OPS IIRC. Before Pie came along, isn't that what you were saying about Reimold? I think you were saying he could put up an .800 OPS and now suddenly a .720 OPS is deemed acceptable from Felix Pie...

We fixed LF, so why are we so intent on breaking it again?

I tell you what, I don't want to hear one complaint about Pie from his supporters when he pulls a Luis Hernandez...

How did we fix left field? Did I miss something?

You think we're intent on "breaking" left field by putting Pie out there?

Are you serious?

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Pie is only a little over a year younger than Reimold. So where's the age gap? It's not like we are talking about a 22 year old prospect like Adam Jones.

If you mean he was blowing up the minors at age 21, so was Hayden Penn, but that doesn't mean he's going to be a successful MLer.

I noticed in another thread you said he could be an average ML LFer with a .720 OPS IIRC. Before Pie came along, isn't that what you were saying about Reimold? I think you were saying he could put up an .800 OPS and now suddenly a .720 OPS is deemed acceptable from Felix Pie...

We fixed LF, so why are we so intent on breaking it again?

I tell you what, I don't want to hear one complaint about Pie from his supporters when he pulls a Luis Hernandez...

You act like having Pie on the team means that Reimold can never be on the team. The numbers for Pie and Reimold are similar and while I have only seen brief glimpses of Pie on TV, I have seen Reimold in person 4 or 5 games. My first thought is that he will be a decent outfielder who may be a very good hitter. I would love to see them make the effort to place Nolan at first base, but it does not look like that will happen. Either way, if Nolan produces like many of us think he can he will prove to be of great value to the Orioles. One other point, since you are a stickler for details at least when you think they support your case. Reimold is a year and a half older than Pie, and as for your last comment, you carry on here so much many do not care what you want to hear.

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